Introduction to Metagenomics

Erick Cardenas Poire, Senior Director of Bioinformatics at Microbiome Insights Inc. discusses an up and coming area of metagenomics: its objectives, principles and common algorithms in bioinformatics. He uncovers the relevance and use of metagenomics in microbial analysis.

Topics Covered 

  • Topic 1: The use of metagenomics. What makes metagenomics a relevant tool for microbial analysis? It allows to obtain both taxonomic and functional information, enables to study the whole community, bypasses the need for isolation, among other benefits discussed in the video.
  • Topic 2: The step-by-step process of metagenomics analysis. How is metagenomics done? What are the steps involved in the metagenomics analysis? How do you go from samples to community profilers and genome-centered analysis?
  • Topic 3: Challenges in metagenomics. What are some of the common challenges related to metagenomic analysis? Dr. Cardenas discusses experimental and bioinformatical challenges, as well as how to get the most informative insights out of metagenomics analysis.
  • Topic 4: To wrap up the video, Dr. Cardenas shares comparative analysis of amplicon sequencing, metagenomics and shallow metagenomics.

Disclaimer: Please note: this video was filmed at a live training session at Emory University. We apologize for the occasional difficulty in hearing some of the participants’ questions.


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